Fundamentals Baseball Academy


"Baseball Training and Development is Priority"

As a developmental program our goal is to develop our students and help assist them finding the best college scenario for each one of our students. This is the most complicated scenario a college bound athlete will come across when High School graduation approaches. We offer aid in this area and help break down this process based on our student (s) current progress academically, athletically and financially.

All  of our students are committed and spending vast amounts of hours training and competing at high levels to achieve their goal; to one day transitioning themselves into a college athlete by trusting our process as follows:


As a developmental program, we monitor all of our students academic progressions during their academic years of  their high school tenure. We counsel them on the dangers of off the field activity. Our door is always open to our students for any situation that may cross their path. As a program we believe in helping our students grow in life on both sides of the field.



FBA Baseball competes in all major tournament events during the summer and  on national holidays.  We also are invited by colleges to compete at team camps through the summer.

  • Team College Camps - D1,D2,D3 & NAIA  (Ca.)
  • The Phil Singer Summer Series (Ca.)
  • Under Armour Southwest Championships (Ca.)
  • FIVE Tool Tournaments (Ca.)
  • Perfect Game Tournaments (Ca.)



FBA Baseball offers an in house private team/camp showcase schedule during the summer. As a program we have built well respected network with colleges at the following levels:

  • Community College
  • NAIA
  • D3
  • D2
  • D1

Other well respected programs  are invited to come out and compete against us; as we use this opportunity to get our students exposed and eventuated by colleges through out Southern California. These venues are held every summer on a college field.

FBA Baseball  team logoFBA Baseball are rated as one of the Top 10 most visited teams on!

Find FBA Baseball and all things related to Travel Baseball there.


FBA Baseball can only be reached by appointment only. 

Menifee Ca.



Don't hesitate to ask us something. Please fill out the email form and we will be in contact with you in the very near future. 

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